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Welcome to MenuMap, Canada's oldest & most advanced national menu directory, being a part of menumap provides the public with direct access to your full menu 24/7.

MenuMap is not just for take-out and delivery, it's for all restaurants. Have a look below and consider getting your menu online!


  1. Proximity Searching
    Our users simply enter their postal code to receive a list of all the restaurants in their area, no more confusing browsing, simple, fast, and effective! The exact distance in kilometers between the visitor and your restaurant will be displayed to them both in the directory and on your details page.

  2. Hosted Menu Pages
    Despite some menus being incredibly large, we host them all on our own servers based in Montreal, and we're able to deliver them at blazing fast speeds. We can display up to 10 pages of your menu in a very simple to use format, our visitors can flip through your menu and show their friends with just a couple clicks.

  3. Hosted PDF Menus
    In addition to actual menu page images we also support pdfs, we host these as well. If you don't have your menu in pdf format just mail it to us, we have the technology that will allow us to convert your hard copy menu into a searchable pdf menu for everyone to see.

  4. District Browsing
    We require all restaurants to enter their district when submitting their information, this allows our visitors to see all the menus in their district. For example, if I live in nepean (ottawa) then I want to see all the delivery menus in nepean, with menumap I can.

  5. Search Engine Friendly
    We have built the entire site to be extremely search engine friendly, within days after submission, your listing will be getting traffic directly from the search engines from people looking for your listing.
What are the costs?
There is NO COST to have your menu online, if you would like your restaurant to appear above your competition please contact us for pricing.
How do I get started?
Send us your menu to the email address below, then fill out our submission form. If you have any questions simply email us, there is no cost involved!
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We are not affiliated with any restaurants listed here, therefore we do not guarantee our data to be 100% accurate.
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